18 November 2005

Frustration mounting

Well, to cap it off, I composed a perfectly delicious rant about my frustration with our realtor in El Paso and then the Blog god replied that my post could not be published! something to do with specific html format missing-- things about which I am completely clueless.
Rats and Darn!!

Revert to watching television (Leslie Caron in the 1955 film version of the story of Cinderalla, entitled "The Glass Slipper") which was more fun.

And the sun is out, so how can one possibly remain pissed off! It's honestly a lot of work to keep the flames of rage burning. Lol.

My recommendation to all: do not try to buy a house from 5,000 miles away. I don't care what they say; the internet is good but not that good.
Still waiting for contracts to be e-mailed to us here for signatures. They will arrive one day; or they won't. We may get the house, or we may not. Who can say???

And my original quote from early this morning from a play written by William Congreve, entitled "The Mourning Bride" is:

Heav'n has no rage like love to hatred turn'd
Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd.

Correlative passage, also often misquoted, from the beginning of the play:
Music has charms to soothe a savage beast.

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