16 January 2009

Happy New Year

On the eve of the week of The Inauguration, we are all fine. Happy New Year!
Yes, and thankfully it is a 'long weekend' as well. Monday is a school holiday.
Here's my 'new' classroom. As of the end of year holiday break, our language teacher, Ruth Lindstrom, retired and thus liberated a small classroom. I moved into this space and have transformed it from a reading room into a math room. What do you think?
And in this week's teacher memo, I see that we will have three new students when we return on the 20th; I wonder where we'll put them? I like my new space. I have room to store stuff and plenty of counter space to pile text books and notebooks waiting to be graded.
Rick and I have found a nice new weekly routine: we like going to the movies, the early show, on
Friday's. Tonight we went to see Clint Eastwood's "Gran Torino"; we enjoyed it. Tomorrow, sleep late. YES. Next week more of the same. No guarantee when I'll write a new post. Until then, be well.

1 comment:

Kate said...

A lovely, well-organised teacher space.