28 March 2009

Seven weeks and counting

Hi all, as the heading indicates, I am counting the weeks until Rick comes back to get me. It's very strange to have this long a time. We've known for a while that we would not be staying in El Paso permanently so many of our decisions came easily e.g. not buying a house here, not enrolling in a health club with a year-long commitment, etc.
Now I am experiencing a different kind of 'limbo': I'm not printing anymore address labels, and I'm not shopping for home decorating items, and I'm beginning to gauge what groceries to buy or not buy. Winding down as opposed to ginning up.
Also, at work (the school), I am not accumulating new lesson ideas for next year. I am organizing my clothes closet differently too. Soon, I will need to set aside clothing for the last week of teaching and the time we'll be traveling and the time we'll be in Indiana before the movers deliver our stuff.
Soon, but not yet. And that's the space I'm in now. Too soon to begin final move-out cleaning. And too soon to think about final good-byes. (I hate that part.) However, I'm trying to visit the places I'd like to have seen (or restaurants where I want to eat) and things like that.
It's nice to know that we'll be out of the hot high desert come July. It's already heating up and everyone seems to anticipate that El Paso will have a very hot summer judging from the temperatures now. However, I know I will miss the moderate winters and the dry heat. It's the trade off one makes for the lush green landscape. That's all for now. I'm back to designing a baby quilt for niece Amy. Hmmm. This requires much thought and a lot of trial and error on blank pattern design sheets with colored pens. A labor of love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Patsy,

Enjoyed visiting your blog and seeing the photo of Dan : )
There are so many changes coming--your move, Amy and Jon's baby (Amy, loved the bump photos--reminds me of one of Aunt Patsy before Dan was born!), Jim's retirement and move. Makes me think something should change here, too!
Love, Nan